Welcome to WCC-WoundCareCenter Ulm

We are your specialist in the outpatient treatment of chronic and difficult-to-heal wounds in Ulm and the surrounding area.

We take sufficient time for the needs of our patients. Please make an appointment by phone before your visit.

How to reach us:

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WCC-WoundCareCenter Ulm

Magirusstraße 31
89077 Ulm

Phone: 0731 - 602 697 31
Fax: 0731 - 602 697 34

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 am – 17:00 pm
and by arrangement


The WCC-WoundCareCenter Ulm is located approx. 10 min. from Ulm main station. From the main station, please take the tram line 1 in the direction of Söflingen. After 4 stops, get off at the "Magirusstraße" stop, cross the street to the right and follow Magirusstraße. After approx. 160 m, you will reach the WCC-WoundCareCenter Ulm on your right-hand side.

Parking spaces:

Please use our signposted patient parking spaces on the 2nd basement level in the underground car park "Söflinger Straße 168 - Arztpraxen & Apotheke" in Ulm's Weststadt. Access via Einsteinstraße: Please follow the green guidance system "Magirusstr. 31", as well as the signs in the garage "Apotheke + Arztpraxen" to the 2nd basement. The two patient parking spaces of the WCC-WoundCareCenter are on the right side of the garage. Go up one staircase through the exit door to Magirusstraße 31, at the end of the corridor go right through the door and take either the lift or the stairs to the 1st floor.

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Medical Partners:

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Dr. med. Gregor Cammerer
Facharzt für Chirurgie, 
Spezielle Viszeralchirurgie,
Medikamentöse Tumortherapie 

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WCC-WoundCareCenter Ulm also offers LAight therapy for the treatment of acne inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa) and other forms of acne.

Interested in finding out more? Please feel free to call us.

WCC-LAight-Hotline: 0211- 5136211630.

You would like to share your experience with us? We are happy to receive your Google review.

The team of the WCC-WoundCareCenter Ulm is there for you

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Stefanie Schädle

Manager  and Clinical Manager WCC-WoundCare


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Jasmin Mailänder

Deputy Manager WCC-WoundCareCenter


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Peter Keller

WCC-WoundCare Nurse 


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Andreas Dörnhofer

WCC-WoundCare Nurse 


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Laureen Krech

WCC-WoundCare Nurse 


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Eva Schlaiss

WCC-WoundCare Nurse


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Vera Beck

WCC-WoundCare Nurse 


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Leonie Maier

WCC-WoundCare Nurse


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Jessica Held

WCC-Practise Assistant

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Elena Djuritsch

WCC-Practise Assistant

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Nadine Mischka

WCC-Practise Assistant


Jana Bracher

WCC-Practise Assistant